Tourism and Covid-19 : Nice limited the damage, increase the attendance in Marseille

In Nice, in the first two weeks of August, hotel occupancy was 88 percent, or 4.6 percentage points less than in 2019. On the French Mediterranean coast, Nice has

In Nice, the occupancy of hotels in the first two weeks of August was 88 percent, or 4.6 percentage points less than in 2019.

On France’s Mediterranean coast, Nice has capped the case in terms of hotel occupancy despite the Covid-19 outbreak, while Marseille saw an increase in August, the two cities told AFP on Wednesday.

In Nice, the peak of tourism on the Côte d’Azur, “the hotel occupancy rate was 88%, or 4.6 percentage points less than in 2019” in the first 15 days of August, Mayor Christian Estrosi said. According to him, in the absence of the traditional Asian, Russian or American clientele, it is “essentially” French tourists, and “a few” Europeans – Belgians, Swiss, Germans, Dutch and Italians in particular – have helped fill the city’s hotels.

However, as Nice filled its hotels at 51.1% in July, and only up to 14% in June, Christian Estrosi spoke of the city’s overall “summer season of net withdrawal”.

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On the other hand, in Marseille, France’s second city, “the trend shows a strong increase in tourist traffic” especially since July 15, the chief official for sustainable tourism and economic dynamism, Laurent Lhardit, told AFP.

“From August 1 to 15, in total throughout the hotel, the occupancy rate in Marseille is 91%, which is an evolution of +4.3 percentage points compared to 2019, where it was slightly less than 87%,” he pointed out, noting that this increase is also visible in the tourist activities offered in the city, diving, sea trips, etc.

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He emphasized, however, that this is only a “balance sheet” step, a set of data is not yet available on the tourism sector. In Marseille, this year’s engine is also French clientele and, according to the first available data, they represent 80% of visitors compared to 50% in the years before the coronavirus.

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The city, like Bouches-du-Rhône, was placed in the zone of active circulation of the virus on August 15, and the new restriction measures come into force on Wednesday evening, that is, the closure of bars and restaurants until the 23rd. There are, of course, problems related to attendance,” but not those tourists either, noted the deputy, noting that people, residents or visitors, “are on vacation and want to socialize.”

Date of update: September 1, 2020 at 08:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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