Toyah Cordingley Wiki, murder mystery, age, investigation, parents and more

Toyah Cordingley Wiki:- Toyah Cordingley was an Australian drugstore specialist and creature cover volunteer. She was found dead on Wangetti Beach, north of Cairns, in far north Queensland, Australia on October 21, 2018. Toyah was 24 years old at the time of her death.

He’s in the news right now because Police Minister Mark Ryan has approved a $1 million reward for information from the public that comes as part of the investigation into the 2018 murder of Toyah Cordingley.

The @QldGov has announced a AUD 1 million reward for information leading to the location and arrest of Mr Rajwinder Singh, wanted in connection with the murder of Ms Toyah Cordingley in 2018 (1/2)

— Barry O’Farrell AO (@AusHCIndia) November 3, 2022

In this blog, you will read about the Toyah Cordingley Wiki, the murder mystery, the investigation, the main suspect and more details.

The mystery of the murder of Toya Cordingley

Toyah Cordingley was reported missing on Sunday 21 October 2018 before her body was discovered the next morning at Wangetti Beach, north of Cairns in Far North Queensland, Australia. Rajwinder Singh lived in Innisfail but originally from Buttar Kalan, Punjab India. Toya’s father found her body on the beach the next day.

Father Toyah CordingleyFather Toyah Cordingley

Prime suspect in the murder of Toya Cordingley

Toyah Cordingley was tragically murdered and her body was found leading to an international manhunt in North Queensland, Australia. Australian police have arrested 38-year-old Rajwinder Singh, who is believed to be overseas, in connection with Toyah’s murder.

A $1 million reward is being offered for help in capturing the man police suspect killed Toyah before fleeing to India. It’s been 4 years since the 24-year-old was found in a mound at Wangetti Beach, north of Cairns, after what Australian police called a “personal and intimate attack”.

The prime suspect in Toyah Cordingley's murder case is Rajwinder SinghThe prime suspect in Toyah Cordingley’s murder case is Rajwinder Singh

Investigation into the murder of Toyah Cordingley

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Categories: Biography

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