Traces of pesticides and endocrine disruptors that are found in tap water

According to Future Generations, which analysed the nature of the molecules present in the tap water, the proportion of problematic products is really important

According to Future Generations, which analysed the nature of the molecules present in the tap water, the proportion of problematic products is really important.”

The tap water contains traces of pesticides and endocrine disruptors suspected, denounced on Wednesday the association future Generations, which campaigns against pesticides in agriculture. Without calling into question the quality of the water, temper the authorities. Future generations has worked on the analysis done by the regional agency of Health (ARS), which control the quality of the tap water.

“the ministry of Health shall communicate each year about the situations of exceeding the standard for drinking water. We wanted to go see the nature of the molecules, if it is worrying or not,” says François Veillerette, president of the association.

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In 2018, “the 90.6% of the population has been continuously supplied with water complying with the quality limits required for pesticides”, according to the ministry. The drinking water, “food control in France”, responds to very strict standards, ” says Maryllis Macé, director of the information Centre on the water, which represents the professionals of the water management. For pesticides, “it should not exceed 0.1 microgram per liter and per molecule” and 0.5 microgram any substance confused, she said.

molecules forbidden

future Generations has focused on molecules “nature carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic(CMR)” and “potential endocrine disruptor(PE),” according to the classification of the european Union and the base TEDX for the PE, which is seen by the association as the most complete, in the absence of official list.

future Generations has retained 8835 analyses have revealed the presence of at least one pesticide residue beyond the limits of quantifications”, on approximately 273 500 samples in total. It shows “15 990 quantifications of individual pesticides”, of which 38.5% are WRC, 56.8% of the endocrine disruptors suspected, according to future Generations. The percentage rises to 78.5% in recognising the molecules with the one or the other of these properties, or both, is suing the association.

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The effects of endocrine disruptors on human health are still poorly known. They worry because they can act at very low levels of exposure, and the researchers suspect the ‘effects ‘ cocktails’ in the presence of several substances.

“The proportion of problematic products is really important,” critic François Veillerette, who regrets the inability to compare departments, the same substances are not sought after everywhere. For Maryllis Macé, the limit of the ratio of future Generations is that”it says nothing about the risk” to consumers.

We pay for the mistakes of the past”

Among the ten molecules in the more quantified, seven are banned since early 2000, including metolachlor and atrazine, herbicides, or oxadixyl, a fungicide. This persistence can be explained by the time required for the polluted waters reach the ground water. We pay for the mistakes of the past,” says François Veillerette said. Some of these molecules are the same found in the case of non-respect of regulatory limits in 2018, such as atrazine or metolachlor.

the ministry of Health states that almost all situations of exceeding of the limit of quality in 2018 “has been limited in concentration and/or in time, does not require a restriction of the use of tap water for drinking”.

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For future Generations, however, the presence of these substances is of concern. The solution is not to turn to bottled water, but “that an effective policy of reducing the use of pesticides is finally applied”, according to his report.

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France has launched several plans, so-called Ecophyto, to reduce consumption of phytosanitary products in agriculture, but they are balanced by failures : this consumption has increased from 21% in 2018, when she was supposed to decrease by half in ten years, in spite of 400 million euros spent. This objective was endorsed by the european Union. In may, the Commission is committed to propose to reduce by half “the use of pesticides” by 2030.

Date Of Update: 17 June 2020, 09:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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