True Blood: The 10 Worst Things Bill Compton Did

In HBO’s seven-year supernatural series, True Blood, there were legitimate criticisms for some inexplicable episodes and erratic character behavior. One of the main characters that often faced scrutiny from fans is Vampire Bill Compton.

Since his first appearance in the premiere episode “Strange Love,” the character has been criticized for exhibiting malicious and manipulative behavior. He not only mistreated Sookie Stackhouse but also committed gruesome crimes against humans.

handing over jessica

Photo of Bill and Jessica holding bottles of wine and blood

After killing Long Shadow, Bill Compton was punished by being forced to create another vampire. As a result, he spent the most time with his new progeny, Jessica. However, because he found her annoying, he took her to Fangtasia and asked Eric to teach her the rules of being a vampire. Although Eric found it amusing that Bill couldn’t handle a young vampire who wouldn’t age overnight, he had no interest in training her. He only agreed to do so when Bill offered to repay him in the future. Despite their later close relationship, Bill initially treated Jessica poorly since she was his responsibility and not Eric’s.

Treat Sookie

Jessica and Suki in True Blood

Throughout the relationship between the attentive vampire and the telepathic waitress, fans have pointed out many possessive and undesirable traits displayed by Bill Compton towards Sookie Stackhouse. Those against Bon Temps may remember one of the many acts from the early seasons – Bill’s behavior towards Sookie after she brought tearful new transformation, Jessica, to see the home of her human family.

Bill immediately yelled at Sookie, berating her for taking Jessica with them. Later on, fans learned that Bill had also returned to visit his own human family which made his behaviour so much worse. After repeatedly blaming her for the situation at Hamby’s house, Sookie jumps out of the car and is attacked by Marianne.

Eric’s betrayal

Photo of Bill and Eric standing in the elevator

When given the chance, the Bills decided to try to finish off Eric Northman after burying Russell Eggington in a pit. Bill handcuffed the blond vampire and threw him into a private pit. After filling it up with cement, he called Ruben (Eric’s vampire assassin) and instructed him to kill Eric’s descendant Pam using a voice that imitated an ancient Viking vampire.

Bill then told Sookie that his actions were to protect her by killing anyone who tasted her blood or knew of her special abilities. However, the angry and freed Eric arrived shortly after to tell Sookie that Bill had lied to her from the beginning and that Bill’s real reason for trying to finish off Eric was to keep him from revealing the truth. Real.

Looking for Suki

Image of Sookie talking to Bill

Although the pair’s first meeting seemed fortuitous, Bill’s appearance at Merlotte’s Bar and Grill in Bon Temps was no accident. Eric revealed during the season 3 finale of “The Evil Is Going On” that Bill’s first encounter with Sookie was actually ordered by the Queen of Louisiana to bring her in after she suspected Sookie might be a certain someone.

Bill tells the angry Sookie that he was going to tell her the truth, but whether it’s true or not can’t make up for the fact that their relationship is built on lies.

sports blood

Nora, Salome and Russell standing together in True Blood, all holding a vial of blood

The extremist anti-orthodox group attempted to persuade Bill Compton to embrace their ideology, which is based on the teachings of the Vampire Bible that regard humans as nothing more than a source of nourishment for vampires.

Additionally, they worshiped Lilith, the first vampire, as a deity. Upon taking control of Power, Bill consumed Lilith’s blood along with his fellow group members. Subsequently, they launched a cannibalistic assault in New Orleans’ French Quarter. After viewing images of Lilith, Bill willingly followed Kindred and even fed her destitute mother.


Bill and Lilith from True Blood

During his time as a member of the Sanguinista movement, Bill Compton was convinced that Lilith had chosen him to lead. Despite Eric and Sookie urging him to stop, Bill drank the leftover blood of Lilith because he believed her vision told him to do so as “The Chosen One”. As a result, he died and was reborn as Bilith, a hybrid version of himself with advanced abilities. Bill continues to hallucinate Lilith and sometimes looks to her for guidance.

This strange turn of events during season 6 for Bill was not well received by fans. While he eventually lost his abilities, many viewers deemed the entire plot unnecessary.

Bomb the True Blood factory

Stephen Moyer as Bill Compton in True Blood

After converting to the San Genista movement, the newly appointed Prime Minister Bill made a proposal to blow up five Tru Blood factories, with the intention of forcing the mainstream population to start feeding on humans. This proposal is a stark contrast from the pro-vampire stance that Bill Compton had previously displayed in front of his audience during the first four seasons.

The fanatical followers of San Genista celebrated the news of the factory destruction with a party that involved naked men. Eric attempted to remind Bill that he was once a true fundamentalist, but at that time, Bill had become completely immersed in Saint Genista’s teachings.

Refusing to help Tara

Tara Thornton in True Blood

In episode 3, “Trouble,” Tara meets Bill and Lorena after being abducted by Franklin Mott and taken to Russell Edgington’s mansion.

Russell had hoped to make Tara his vampire bride, but she was tied to a chair and begged Bill for help, only to be coldly refused before he left. After escaping, Tara refuses to help Sookie save Bill and tells his friends that he can be killed. Although Sookie insists that he was forced into his actions, much of Bill’s later behavior shows indifference towards humans. Perhaps Sookie doesn’t know Bill as well as she thinks she does.

almost killed suki

Sookie and Bill's photo in the ambulance

After being tortured by Lorena, Bill was freed by Sookie with the help of Tara and Alcide. While driving away in the back seat of a truck, Sookie gave Bill some of her blood to try and revive him. However, the vampire eventually lost control and fed on her to the point of almost killing her. As a result, Sookie fell into a coma at the hospital after her body rejected a blood transfusion.

Although Bill eventually saved her when she woke up and gave her some blood, Sookie admitted that she was afraid of him and wondered if she could ever forgive him. Even though Bill told her it was an accident and he couldn’t stop himself, nearly killing someone you claim to love cannot be excused as an accident.

Tray settings

mclatray in real blood

After Eric informs Suki that Bill’s first meeting with her has been scheduled on behalf of the Queen of Louisiana, he drops another bombshell. Bill allowed Mike and Dennis Rattray to beat Sookie severely so that he could give her his blood, creating a bond between them. Naturally, Sookie is horrified to learn the truth and bans him from her home and life. Of all the terrible things Vampire Bill has done in the series, this is truly one of the worst.

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