United Nations Public Service Day 2023: Learn more about the origins and awards

United Nations Public Service Day is celebrated every year on June 23 to highlight the importance of public service and celebrate the efforts of all public servants worldwide. Public services have a significant impact on people’s lives.

On United Nations Public Service Day, the United Nations also awards special recognition to individuals for outstanding contributions to public service.

On Friday, the United Nations #service dayWe thank all those who have dedicated their lives to serving others. https://t.co/LlE8WaN5PHIT pic.twitter.com/QsnlKz4deq

– United Nations (@UN)
June 23, 2023

The Origin of United Nations Public Service Day

The origins of United Nations Acts Day can be traced back to 2002, when the United Nations General Assembly passed resolution 57/277, declaring June 23 as Acts Day.

The resolution recognized the importance of public service in achieving the international development goals. It also calls on governments, organizations and individuals to celebrate Public Service Day and promote the value of public service.

United Nations Public Service Day Award

In 2003, the United Nations established the United Nations Public Service Awards (UNPSA) program, which aims to promote and reward innovation and excellence in public services.

The #UNPublicServiceAwards Celebrating 20 years of excellence in public service! From digital government to climate change, showcase global initiatives that drive positive change. #UNPSA

Be creative and make it happen #SDGs together! https://t.co/3DJKbyXXY7 pic.twitter.com/N478m1D3W4

– UNPAN (@unpan)
June 21, 2023

The initiative was launched to support the celebration of the Day and raise awareness of the importance of public service. In 2016, the program was reviewed to ensure it aligns with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The United Nations declared “To encourage recognition of the Day and the value of public service, the United Nations established the United Nations Public Service Awards (UNPSA) program in 2003, which was revised in 2016 to accommodate in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

The UNPSA program is open to all Member States of the United Nations and recognizes outstanding achievements in the following categories:

  • Category Innovation in public organizations
  • The public service category is gender sensitive
  • Special column on fighting climate change

Innovation in Public Institutions Category: This category recognizes innovative and creative solutions to public problems by public institutions. Projects that use new technology or approaches to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, or equity of public services are eligible for this award. For example, a project that uses blockchain technology to improve transparency in government procurement.

Gender sensitive public service category: This category recognizes public services that are designed and implemented in a way that meets the needs of women and girls. Projects that promote gender equality and empower women in the delivery of public services are eligible for this award. For example, a project to train female police officers on how to deal with gender-based violence.

Climate Change Special Category: This category recognizes public services that have been deployed to address the challenges of climate change. Projects that promote climate resilience, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, or help people adapt to the effects of climate change are eligible for this award. For example, a project to develop climate-smart agriculture planning for a rural community.

In summary, the UNPSA program is a valuable way to recognize and celebrate the work of public servants around the world. It also helps drive innovation and excellence in public services, which are key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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