Verbal abuse wrapped in the blazer

So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expenses In Bærum sits a vannkjemmet boy in court with the right skill and makes nazihilsen. He has admitted to

So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expenses

In Bærum sits a vannkjemmet boy in court with the right skill and makes nazihilsen. He has admitted to have murdered his baby sister because she looked a little bit different. He regrets nothing.

On the new memories this tragedy that political ideologies are like chameleons. All the time changing the color of the surroundings.

Political belief systems must also be understood about the programme fists of action. They are extremely adaptable. Here is your core: Ideologies provides skakkjørte people direction and justification in their hatred and frustrations. We saw it glassklart in the case of Anders Behring Breivik, a stakkarslig loser in most of life’s areas (he will now be happy to get the stamp of being a proper ‘fascist’). And we see it now at Philip Manshaus.

Ideologies components

in Order to understand the political ideologies haunting tale of power, it may be wise to split their appeal into the five points.

They all have:

1. A virkelighetstolkning

2. A goal

3. A strategy

4. A central value (ex. ‘liberty’ in liberalism, ‘like’ in socialism).

They also have built-in point 5.: A humanity, notions of what is man’s principal characteristic and identity.

This is followed by the requirement of a special protection (section 6) of people with these characteristics, in contrast to all “the other”, so deprived of humanity and eject in discrimination.

IDENTITÆR: Martin Sellner, director of the austrian identitær movement, photographed during a demonstration in april of last year. Photo: NTB SCANPIX / REUTERS/Lisi Niesner Show more The fascist legacy

These feature helps us when we now are to understand what idépolitisk and psychological context Manshaus is in: the new right, or post-fascism, if you will.

In the Danish journalist Rasmus Garden Dallands book “Identitær” etterspores the linguistic and logical strategies that the european ekstremhøyre use to win entry into the new environments.

the Question that is highlighted with Manshaus’ crimes are: Can extreme høyrekrefter be “mainstream”?

Dalland has got the good idea to travel around in Europe to take the extreme right, “the identitære”, on the pulse. It happens that he meets personally this new-conservative forgrunnsskikkelser – nicely kledte middelklassegutter (about only boys) with the tie – with his tape recorder. Copies of the Manshaus.

Dalland are mostly friendly received. He meets people with the training to meet the media and try to set the most unbiased up to get on hold with what they stand for.

heart of the perceptions are clear: The identitære seeks to portray itself as a more “decent” version of the classic fascism and nazism.

the Strategy is clear: fill the old concepts with new content or came with tildekkende omskrivinger (“hjemsending”, not “tvangsutsending”, “minority private-identity”, not “the white breed precedence”, and so on).

Dangerous group ufarliggjøres Breivik without terror

Jødehatet don’t sell anymore after Auschwitz – it be dimmed. Dalland meets people who say violence is out of the question, and that identitær movement phases out the extreme. Idéinnholdet reminiscent of Anders Behring Breivik, without terrorism. Manshaus would have been connected, they believe. They say themselves they are far from the marching skinheads with tattoo. They are fascists in the pseudo-democratic disguise. The border of the German AfD is porous.

the Core is that Europe is facing the underpass, assaulted by muslims and other alien. This is their image of reality (point 1), which is shared by klakøren Manshaus.

The identitære talking about “Le Grand Remplacement”, “the great replacement”. The europeans are becoming a minority in their own continent, assaulted by the masseinnvandrende muslims and other peoples from Africa and the Middle East.

the Reason is the falling birth rates of the white. Multikulturalismens idea that different cultures have intrinsic value and can exist next to each other, is the main enemy.

The identitære use the term “reconquista” as the catholic queen Isabel, in 1492, when she threw out the moors from Southern Spain. Here we see your target point. 2) and strategy (point. 3). Purity is their core value (point 4). The echoes of Manshaus is obvious. Other should be protected (section. 6).

The identitære understand themselves as a generation in the ethnic resolution, characterized by the failed integration and multi-cultural explosion, the victims of the 68-generation “kulturmarxisme” and the demolition of all authority. They will instead reclaim her inheritance of “blood, soil and identity”. We saw how it went last.

Actions for the purity

Dalland go to different countries to see if the movement is different, but not found significant national differences. Human nature usual (item 5) located in the day: macho, emotionally cold, low toleranseterskel for all types of diversity, racial, ethnic, religøst, culturally and politically. They talk about equal rights and autonomy for everyone, but it is “the white” which shall have precedence.

It is the identitære that has turned up the tent at the flyktningeleiren in Calais with the “Go Home”sign, and dragged out into the Mediterranean to intercept båtflyktninger with “You Are Not Welcome”signs.

Even more symboltung was their action in Poitiers in France, where they identitære marked Karl Martells victory over the muslims in 732. This is a game that traditionally has been perceived as crucial in the history of the world, by that the frankish territories was screened against islam.

Only the “legal” expulsion

the Pressure of the Dalland admits several interviewees that the idea of kulturenes the right to own-definition primarily applies to “white”. Several say that the muslims must be sent back “where they came from”, but forget that most muslims in Europe do not have any other country than where they live now.

When to wear their utvisningsplaner a legal suit, they hope identitære to mark the distance from the clean raids. The nazis followed the same strategy with jews. After nürnberglovene in 1935 it became straffefritt to discriminate against or kill the jews, for they were deprived of all rights in the legislation.

To use the same arguments now, is to invite you to the massive violence and abuse. The identitære toys with the horror and murder – and they know it.

Below is a public globaliseringskritikk that identitære approaching the left. Here they are trying to appeal to the working class. By combining elitekritikk, national identity questions and budget rettferdskrav, opens a political space for ekstremappell to a working class that threatened f.ex. of the imported labour that underbyr them. Western livsstilsradikalisme (abortion, likekjønnet marriage and reproduction, homosexuality, and immeasurable freedom of speech turns into nasjonalkonservative mljøer and open the room to the right.

at the same time as the left becomes more and more concerned of identity questions, is the right more focused on economic rettferdskrav. Thus, tendencies to convergence.

If working-class parties continue their decline and get a velgermasse primarily of people with high education and liberal values (“brahmin-left”, as Thomas Piketty calls them) – is the curtain drawn to the side of the new inflow to the extreme right.

This should not be underestimated. The identitære is aided by vitenskapsforakten with a Trump that fall over themselves in deception, and an AfD, which looks at the Holocaust as the “bird droppings” in German history. Now we see how these trends from the “all right” flows along with vaksinebenektere and protests against the plot. Look not away from the spirit of the times is with them. This may be a way to go mainstream

Listen to the frustrations

Dalland is open for us to listen to the identitæres frustrations. To then is not to forgive. Dalland ridicules not their virkelighetsforståelse. It is allowed to ask how much immigration Europe can withstand. What is unacceptable, is the incitement of violence against “the other” wrapped in blazerkledning and nazism wrapped in cellophane.

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Date Of Update: 21 May 2020, 22:17

Categories: Optical Illusion

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