Viral optical illusion: Is this a 2D building? Netizens are confused!

Have you ever seen a real-life 2D building? This viral optical illusion image, which seems to be of a 2D building, has left netizenspuzzled. While it is clearly an image of a real-life building, it is so baffling that some viewers jokingly suggested that the other half of the building was forgotten during construction. “They just built the glass and said ‘ok’,” a user humorously remarked.Optical illusions leave you puzzled and eager for an explanation. However, what caught the attention of internet users was an image on Reddit that has now gone viral. But why is this illusion so mind-boggling, you might wonder? Well, at first glance, the building looks like a flat glass sheet, but upon closer inspection, it reveals itself as a 3D structure with a triangular shape.The image showcases multiple buildings standing side by side, but in the midst of them stands a tall glass-like panel. This panel seems like a building when viewed from the front, but it’s incredibly slim and thin, resembling paper.With 8000 upvotes and numerous comments, this picture has captured the curiosity of thousands of users. Some users expressed their bewilderment in the comments:One Reddit user put on their thinking cap and proposed a theory that the perspective of the viewer forms an acute angle with the building.Another user humorously commented, “A glitch in the matrix,” echoing a third user’s sentiment.21 153652

Source: Reddit

The only plausible explanation for such an illusion was provided by a user who pointed out that the building looks like a triangle when seen from one side. However, from the viewer’s angle, it appears like a flat sheet due to the perspective.Another user contributed to the clarity by explaining, “If it’s still confusing for anyone, imagine it’s the tip of a triangle. It widens and then has a squared-off back from this point of view.”For those curious about where and how the photographer captured this image, you can follow the link below:

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