Visual challenge: Can you find the odd popcorn among them in less than 15 seconds?

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See if you can spot the weird popcorn kernel in this picture challenge in less than 15 seconds! Ready, ready, start – show us your popcorn investigation skills!

Are you ready for the challenge? Game of the day requires you to find odd numbers of popcorn in less than 15 seconds.

This kind of challenge has become all the rage on social networks in different countries and now it’s time to test your eyesight.

Take a close look at the image below and try to find the weird one. But don’t be fooled, the image at the top of the article is for illustrative purposes only and you must not use it for this test.

Test your observation skills with this popcorn picture challenge!

Are you ready for the popcorn picture challenge? This conundrum will test your observation and time management skills – can you figure out the weird thing in less than 15 seconds?

Look at the image below and see if you can spot it! Note: the images at the top of this article are for illustrative purposes only, so make sure to check out the images below.

(c) Light up the valley

The popcorn picture challenge is a great way to test your observation skills! To complete the challenge, you need to find the odd one in the popcorn group in 15 seconds or less.

To be successful, you have to focus and watch carefully. Look for small details like color, size, and shape that help one piece stand out from the rest.

You can also focus on one area at a time to narrow down your search. It is important to be patient and take the time to observe all the factors. With practice, you should be able to complete this challenge easily!

Did you find the weirdness in the popcorn? I bet you can do it! If you think you have, why not check if you are on the next page? Let’s see if you can solve this puzzle!

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Categories: Brain teaser

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