Weather in Germany: Up to 32 degrees on the weekend – But here Thunderstorms threaten

The drop was also recorded on the previous rainy days, but now it’s really hot again. Aug. 24 update: The weather service promises sunny weather

The drop was also recorded on the previous rainy days, but now it’s really hot again.

Aug. 24 update: The weather service is promising a sunny Saturday and a mild evening. But that’s not all, next week is the summer season.

Beautiful good morning! Sun ☀soon from early to late, 30 degrees, and a pleasant evening! Today, almost the entire country feels like the best summer. All details in the weather forecast: #summer #weekend (@weather online) August 24, 2019

weather in Germany: up to 32 degrees for the weekend

Update at 9:30 p.m.: Germany is in for a summer weekend. On Saturday, up to 31 degrees will be recorded, especially in the west. Only on the edge of the Alps and on the coasts is it colder than 21 to 26 degrees. Warning: in the afternoon and evening, thunderstorms are possible between the Black Forest, the Alps, the Bavarian Forest and the Rudny Mountains, warns Sundays are more summery. Temperatures rise up to 32 degrees, in the south up to 28 degrees warmer.

It’s still hot and steamy in the coming week. Up to 33 degrees in Berlin, on the upper Rhine and in the Ruhr region, for Wednesday expects up to 34 degrees around the federal capital and Brandenburg, and on Thursday it was even 35 degrees there!

weather in Germany: warning against extreme drought and water shortages

Update 23 August 2019: Summer is back, after a lot of rain and almost autumn temperatures it will be warm again in Germany. On Saturday, it will be more than 30 degrees in some parts of the country. What is a pleasure for sun lovers is a problem of nature. According to the “drought monitor” of the “environmental research center” they have to fight, especially West – and East Germany with drought. Last year it was summer, a big drought. “However, the incredibly long drought in the summer of 2018 is not only for scientists and authorities, but also for the general public to be aware that water scarcity is a problem, or at least it can be,” explained Jörg Rechenberg, water expert at the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). against the “daily mirror”.

heat wave starts friday: summer is coming back – earlier than

Update 22 August 2019, 20.13: While it was initially speculated that the golden mark of 30 degrees could only be broken occasionally at the weekend, it now seems that the return of summer to Germany is earlier than expected! In the summer, could already celebrate on Friday its thermal return.

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During Thursday, maximum values ​​of up to 29 degrees are expected, on Friday the temperatures will rise and again around 30 degrees. Lower temperatures are expected only in the mountains and on the coast. As reported by, they can look forward to warm temperatures especially in the west of Germany.

If you’re still looking for tips for fair weather events and Bavarian summer holidays, we’ve got you covered.

Update August 21, 2019, 20 watch : summer sprint in Germany: Because it’s already the first of September, the official autumn is waiting at the beginning to roll again before the real heat wave hits us. Thanks we have High “Corina”, which is right about Germany in the middle of the week and slowly the way for the summer Comeback for free. While maximum temperatures of 28 to 29 degrees are expected for Thursday and Friday, they will actually exceed the 30 degree mark, just in time for the weekend. In addition, we are expecting a little summer, according to and in the last week of August an addition with values ​​between 25 and 30 degrees. Isolated thunderstorms could occur only in the Alps and in the southeastern half of the coming days.

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article origin August 21: Summer is coming back – how warm will it really be?

Who else would have expected that? Summer is really back! The last few days, with rain, thunder and gray clouds, reminded more of the coming autumn. But now the tide seems to be turning, high “Corina” is bringing summer temperatures back to Germany.

on wednesday the temperatures will stabilize. With 17 to 21 degrees, and it still remains relatively fresh. But as of Thursday, a sharp rise in temperatures means Germany can look forward to a weekend of up to 28 degrees. The weekend can then be isolated and even crack the 30 degree mark.

However, by the end of the weekend, thunderstorms and blistering temperatures are expected in many areas – not in Germany, but in the next few days as well. Quite the opposite, summer could actually be back on track.

weather in Germany: Return of heat in August?

As predicts for the rest of August that in the last week of August the temperature will rise to 35 degrees. Absolute heat stroke after the low temperatures of the past few days! However, the slowdown does not seem to be far away 1. September marks the meteorological beginning of autumn.

About months in advance, of course, it is difficult to make a weather forecast. But there is an experimental before. It could be like that until February 2020.

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** is part of the national network of editors Ippen-Digital

Updated date: August 24, 2019, 12:00 p.m

Categories: Optical Illusion

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