Weather : ten-seven departments in vigilance orange, heavy flooding in Ajaccio

A major rain event passes through the France this Friday. In Britain, quantities of rain fell in 24 hours, corresponding to the running totals, monthly means ha

A major rain event passes through the France this Friday. In Britain, quantities of rain fell in 24 hours, corresponding to the running totals, monthly means have been identified.

France was faced with heavy rain moving from west to east. Accordingly, the vigilance orange for rain-flood, storm, or flood, has been established by Météo France for 17 departments of metropolitan france. The Ardèche, Aveyron, Cantal, Gard, Haute-Loire, Lozere, and Puy-de-Dome to the risk of rain and flood. The Côte d’or, the Doubs, the Jura, the Haute-Marne, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Meuse, Moselle, Haute-Saône, the Vosges and the Territoire de Belfort are on alert for storms. The Aveyron, Gard and Lozère that are also in vigilance raw.

One episode return storm-storm is in progress on the Languedoc and the south of the Massif Central until the end of the day, writing, Météo France, which provides for heavy thunderstorms on the North-East in the late afternoon and evening.

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Side of the Massif Central and the Cevennes, the system rainy is in place, according to Météo France. Very heavy rains have already affected the Cevennes at the end of the night, we’ve been seeing since the beginning of the episode 100 to 200 mm on the Cevennes side Gard and Lozère time to time a bit longer (270mm on the Mont Aigoual), 20 to 50 mm generally on the other departments in orange.

heavy floods in Corsica

a video posted on Twitter showed particular streets of Ajaccio, largely flooded, some of the garbage washed away by the waters. The neighborhood of the Salt works appears to be under water after the heavy rains.

Almost 200 people have been put in safety, of which 48 are confined to a few hours on Thursday afternoon in a nursery and a school for Ajaccio, after the fall of torrential rain on the city on Thursday mid-day, a-t-on learned from the fire department. “There are no injured except for a firefighter professional who has fallen in response, and broke his leg,” said a spokesman for the fire department of Corse-du-Sud.

In the streets of Ajaccio, on June 11, 2020


“We’ve made almost 150 updates in security,” he said, adding that 28 people in a day nursery and 20 in a school, “any security,” have been maintained for several hours in these institutions until the flood waters recede. According to the Prefecture, among the 150 people at the shelter, 80 were trapped in their vehicle and 70 evacuated from surrounding businesses.

“It is very, very exceptional, this is probably a never-before-seen on Ajaccio to have such intensity in two-three hours,” said Pascal Rebillout, head of the meteorological centre of Ajaccio.

To take the measure of the character “extremely localized” in this storm cell, the meteorologist said that the rain gauge at the airport of Ajaccio has received 48 mm and Milleli, on the heights of the city, has recorded only 17 mm, so that the neighbourhoods affected, “100 to 120 mm fell in two hours, and up to 140 mm in three hours.”

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IN PICTURES. Hail, floods, and the beginning of tornado… Of violent storms in the Ile-de-France Floods : six districts placed in vigilance orange Six departments of the West placed in vigilance orange flood

“These are storms that go back and it is blocked on a part of the city of Ajaccio and dumped gallons of water,” he explained, assuring that such violence “passes through the meshes of the forecast”, then that Thursday, the department was in vigilance yellow storms.

Date Of Update: 12 June 2020, 22:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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