WH.shared.addLazyImage('64a59bfb9cb93') How Big Is Your Ego Quiz

How big is your ego? Take this quiz to find out! start the quiz

Mirrors, mirrors on the wall… Who is the most beautiful of all?

If you yelled “ME!” on your phone screen, then this might be the quiz for you. Below, we’ll help you determine the size of your ego, whether it’s small, medium, or downright huge. Using psychology (and some fun fictional scenarios!), we’ll guide you on a journey of self-discovery. Finally you will be able to answer the question: how big is my ego?


Start Quiz 1. Uh, you made a mistake at work and now your team is working late:

  1. That doesn’t sound like me. I bet it was someone else, I’ll get to the bottom of this.
  2. We all make mistakes! The best thing you can do now is take responsibility.
  3. Ugh, this is stressful. I really don’t want to admit my mistake, so I won’t.
  4. I’m horrified Why am I always wrong? I will apologize profusely and spend the whole night making up.

2. You are going through a difficult period. How are you

  1. Solve it yourself. My biggest fear is admitting that my life is not perfect.
  2. I will communicate with the people who care about me. I know I’m resilient, I’ll get over it.
  3. I try not to show weakness to other people, but sometimes I just can’t help but break down.
  4. I will not reach anyone. I would hate to bother others with my stupid problems.

3. How often do you think about yourself?

  1. All the time. I am the most interesting person I know.
  2. My happiness comes first, so I think of myself, but I also make sure I’m there for others.
  3. It’s probably around 50/50.
  4. I never think about me.

4. Your friend just got a big promotion. What are you thinking?

  1. I’m much smarter than them. Why hasn’t my work seen its value yet?
  2. That’s perfect. It’s a lot of fun to be in a large and successful group of friends (myself included).
  3. I’m happy for them, but I’m just as jealous.
  4. I’m so excited for them. But it makes me think: I wish I had more talent…

5. Someone just corrected you. What are you doing?

  1. I’m boiling. You better prepare for war.
  2. I’ll double check your source, but if they’re right, I’ll be happy to accept it.
  3. It might bother me a bit, but it won’t ruin my day.
  4. I’m so embarrassed. I always mess these things up! I might even apologize for my inaccuracy…

6. You have just been rejected by the person you like. Where is your mind?

  1. I’m angry. How can I expect him to be better than me!?
  2. Well, I’m not for everyone. Soon I will find the right person.
  3. *Yep.* I’m a little embarrassed. What will my friends say…
  4. There are no surprises. I wouldn’t choose me either. I wish I hadn’t bothered them at all…

7. Would you like to be famous?

  1. That! Whenever I see a famous actor or singer, I always think: I could do better than that…
  2. Could be. I’m sure it would be boring, but it would be fun to be appreciated for my skills.
  3. I think I would. Who wouldn’t enjoy all that praise and attention?
  4. Definitely not. I wouldn’t want so many people to know about me.

8. What do people think of you?

  1. People are jealous of me so they try to drag me down. Sometimes it seems like the world is against me.
  2. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, but I still have a lot to offer. My friends love me as I am.
  3. People probably see me as slightly above average. I would like to become even more impressive one day!
  4. They probably think about my mistakes first. They probably associate me with low self-esteem or perhaps weakness.

9. Select the statement you are referring to:

  1. In this life I worry about wealth, status and how others see me.
  2. I love myself, but I find I’m happiest when I’m not 100% focused on myself.
  3. I wish I could care less what others think of me.
  4. I wish I could fix the things that are wrong with me.

10. Your classmate or colleague just made a bad joke. His:

  1. Shut up and think to yourself, Jesus, I’m so glad I’m really funny.
  2. Make them laugh sadly and try to make it believable.
  3. Put a new joke on yours. In this way, you will laugh and relieve the discomfort.
  4. Having a bad feeling and thinking, “Do people feel that way when I try to make a joke…?”

11. Pick a fantasy:

  1. I am the most famous person in the world. Many people shout my name and tell me that I am the best…
  2. I have achieved my goals, I am surrounded by great friends and family and I am a confident and accomplished person.
  3. I would love to experience a moment of success at work or school, for example, maybe being recognized for a great idea.
  4. I would love to wake up and feel like a new person. I wish I was stronger, smarter, whatever…

12. You are in a brainstorm. What is your goal?

  1. My idea is definitely the best, so I’ll do my best to convince others.
  2. The goal is to hear as many solid ideas as possible. I’ll say mine and then encourage others to do the same.
  3. I would love to be recognized for contributing some powerful ideas! But otherwise I’ll take cover.
  4. I just want to get over this. I hate being put in the spot. I feel like all my ideas are bad!

start the quiz

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What does it mean to have a “big ego”? In general, selfish people believe that they are exceptional. Their self-evaluations go beyond self-confidence: they may feel that they are more valuable than other people, which can lead to apathy. These people may feel that their ideas are always the best, their skills the sharpest, and that everyone is obsessed with them. Someone with a big ego is likely to feel threatened when others succeed, and if someone challenges them, they won’t find it plausible.

What is narcissism? In most cases, a big ego is not a big deal. Many selfish people still have a lot of empathy for other people. Sometimes, however, a big ego can fall into the realm of personality disorders. That would be narcissism, or narcissistic personality disorder. These people often feel a great lack of empathy, which can test your ability to form close, healthy relationships.

What is the difference between self confidence and a big ego? Big question! A big ego usually doesn’t have a healthy outlook. These people may have an inflated sense of self, believing that their abilities and importance are greater than they really are. In that sense, they may not give others enough credit for what they bring to the table. Self-confidence is about acknowledging your own worth, but not tearing anyone down in the process. Self-confident people believe that everyone has something to offer, including themselves. So when a friend gets good news or a sibling gets a promotion, it doesn’t compromise your sense of identity.

Tips to improve self-confidence:

  • Deal with negative self-talk. You know that annoying voice in your head? The one that sometimes tells you that you are not worthy? Smash it! When you catch yourself thinking something negative (and untrue) about yourself, change the story. Let’s say you’re thinking, “I’m a huge failure. Why can’t I do anything right?” Face that thought: “I have done a lot of things right in my life. For example, I am a great friend!”
  • Surround yourself with people who make you feel great. This can be a game changer. Do you know those people who leave you smiling all day? Ask them to go out more! Friends who love and admire us can be great reminders of our worth. They don’t have to say anything specific about you, you just feel loved and appreciated in their presence.
  • Try something that scares you. Sometimes fears can make us less powerful, but they don’t have to! Pick something that has always scared you, like exercising in public, and give it a try. When you’re done, don’t stop there. Really think about the enormity of what you have achieved: this thing that has scared you for so long… you have conquered it!
  • Invest in your passions. When we truly love something, it can light up our hearts. Confidence is not just about being great at everything we try. Sometimes it’s about giving ourselves permission to truly enjoy our own lives. The more time you spend on activities you really love, the more confident and fulfilled you’ll feel.
  • A diary of your values. Confidence can look a little different on everyone, because it’s all about being comfortable with yourself. Depending on your values ​​and beliefs, this means that “safe” behavior can vary from person to person. To find out what this means to you, start with a self-reflective piece of writing. Do you want to be a loyal person? Do you want to be kind, polite and compassionate? Perhaps your goal is to become more diligent and dedicated. Your choice. And when you clarify your goals, they will be easier to achieve!

For more information on the ego, narcissism and self-confidence? Check out these great guides below.

  • https://iep.utm.edu/egoísmo/
  • https://www.usf.edu/student-affairs/counseling-center/top-concerns/what-is-self-confidence.aspx
  • https://vitalrecord.tamhsc.edu/narcissism-signs-and-symptoms/

Categories: How to
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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