Which Titans Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Fans of DC comic book adaptations have found a darker world in Titans, and as a result, these characters certainly don’t have the time for breaks to check their horoscopes on a regular basis. That doesn’t mean fans can’t discern their zodiac signs from what’s been seen on the show.

For fans interested in figuring out which of the heroes they’re really most like, analyzing their personality traits and figuring out their zodiac signs can give a great start. A team leader like Dick Grayson, an impulsive hero like Jason Todd, and a rebel like Rose Wilson are easier to figure out than most, but some Titans characters can prove a challenge.

Updated on November 25th, 2022 by Amanda Bruce: Though plenty of DC Comic fans had their doubts about Titans when it first premiered on DC Universe, it’s proven to be an interesting – and much darker than Teen Titans – take on the team. Each new season of the series brings new characters and new team dynamics to explore. With the fourth season of the show, Tim Drake is added to the team and the thief Jinx is a reluctant ally, providing the audience with even more characters to explore.

Aries: Jason Todd And Tim Drake

A split image features Jason Todd and Tim Drake in Titans on HBO Max

Jason Todd is one of the least patient characters to grace the screen in Titans. He takes the Aries impulsivity to the extreme. Jason finds it difficult to wait around for everyone else to make a plan or a decision when he just wants to get in, get the bad guy, and change the world. In addition to that impulsivity, Aries are also incredibly passionate people. Jason’s passion leads to him taking on a new role as the Red Hood, taking over much of the crime in Gotham instead staying in the role of the hero, when no one listens to him.

Like Jason, Tim Drake is ready to make a difference. He spends most of his childhood looking up to the heroes of Gotham and figuring out exactly who they are. When he has the chance to help them, he doesn’t hesitate to jump into action, and that passion and drive earn him a spot on the team, despite him not having superpowers or experience as a vigilante. Even with little training, he wants to be in the thick of the action whenever he can.

Taurus: Donna Troy

Donna Troy using the lasso of truth on Titans

Donna’s time on the series is cut short (temporarily), but she shows herself to be a capable leader while Dick Grayson is still struggling to be the leader the team needs. She’s someone who will put herself in danger to save the rest of the team, which is admirable, and that need to make others feel safe is very much in line with the security-conscious Taurus.

Taurus are also often creatures of habit, which might be why Donna keeps going back to her friends in the Titans despite asserting that she wants to move on with her life.

Gemini: Gar Logan And Jinx

A split image features Gar Logan and Jinx in Titans on HBO Max

Charming, communicative, and able to easily make friends? That sounds like Gar Logan. The only person he had a hard time connecting with was Rose, and that’s because she intentionally pushed his buttons when meeting him. Gar is the perfect Gemini. Geminis are known to be charmers, able to fit into new situations easily. Gar’s travels have found him a family in the Doom Patrol and the Titans already. He and Conner become close very quickly, as do he, Rachel, and Kory. Gar takes things in stride, finding his friends’ abilities cool rather than terrifying, though he does draw the line at Kory repeatedly trying to set him on fire while sleepwalking.

Jinx might not be looking to fit into a new family like Gar, but the thief, who has a history with Dick Grayson, certainly knows how to charm someone. She also knows how to adapt to any and every situation, never missing a beat when she sees an advantage.

Cancer: Dawn Granger

Dawn sits on the couch smiling in Titans

Dawn oscillates between wanting to live a normal life and wanting to get justice for everyone wronged in Titans. Despite wanting out of the superhero world, she can’t let it go. That’s because she’s got so much empathy for those hurt by a villain, that she has to try to stop the villains herself.

That’s also why Dawn is a Cancer. Cancers are often seen as the zodiac sign most in touch with their emotions. They’re willing to talk about their feelings – and everyone else’s. Their huge amount of empathy makes them a great friend to have as well.

Leo: Dick Grayson

Dick Grayson holds his hands behind his head when under arrest in Titans

Most of the time, zodiac enthusiasts associate Leos with being the life of the party. While that’s true, they don’t always have to be the center of a party, but they could be the center of a team, needing to be the one in charge before they even find their footing. That’s very much Dick Grayson as he moves from being Robin to Nightwing.

Leos are also known for being brave in the face of impossible situations, as Dick repeatedly finds himself forced to be for his team, and in the wake of Batman leaving Gotham behind.

Virgo: Kory Anders

Kory Anders is upset after a ship explodes in Titans

It might not seem like Kory’s a planner since so many of her fight scenes in seasons 2 and 3 of Titans are more reactionary, but she is. Who could forget her wall of articles, and historical notes when she came to Earth in search of Rachel? Kory is a planner, the mom friend trying to keep the Titans grounded, and a Virgo.

Kory is the one Gar, Rachel, and Conner have gone to for comfort in the wake of bad situations. She’s also the one to break her sister out of a government facility because, despite their differences, living life in a cage isn’t something she can stomach. Kory tends to put the needs of others before herself, which is also one way Virgos try to protect those around them.

Libra: Hank Hall And Jericho

A split image features Hank Hall and Jericho in Titans on HBO Max

Like Geminis, Libras tend to be incredibly charming, allowing them to fit into social situations easily. They aren’t always as quick to adapt to new situations as Geminis though, as Hank proves when he has trouble adjusting to life without the rest of the Titans, and then to life with the Titans all over again. Libras are, however, natural leaders. Able to see multiple sides of situations (even if Hank might not always want to admit it), they make for understanding friends. Hank knows the risk he takes at being a Titan, yet when his life is put on the line, he’s the one who tries to put his friends at ease.

Jericho never has a chance to lead among the Titans, but he does see the need for fairness and justice, just like Hank does. When Jericho learns the truth about who the Titans are, he doesn’t want to think of them as using him to get close to his father, but he does still want to help them do the right thing. Jericho tries to find a peaceful resolution to problems instead of fighting as well, though that doesn’t work out for him.

Scorpio: Bruce Wayne

An older Bruce Wayne standing in Wayne Manor in Titans.

Bruce Wayne might not be a member of the Titans, but his presence hangs over them. A lot of zodiac fans would likely associate Bruce’s comic book persona as a Libra, but the Titans approach to the character is in line with a Scorpio.

Scorpios tend to be aggressive in their approach to what they want in life. Fueled by passion like Aries, Scorpios aren’t as open with their emotions or plans, playing their cards close to the vest, like Bruce keeping his secrets. Scorpios also are magnetic; people want to be in their inner circle. That’s why he keeps the Bat-Family growing with new heroes, even as his old sidekicks resent their training.

Sagittarius: Conner Kent

Conner Kent stands in the Luthor house in Kansas in Titans S2E06

When Conner begins his time on Titans, he’s like a toddler, just learning how the world works. That’s not his fault since he’s created in a lab. Conner is a fast learner, absorbing all the information thrown his way. It’s no wonder he’s a Sagittarius.

Sagittarians are often associated with wanderlust and a sense of adventure. The audience hasn’t seen that in Conner so much yet – other than his desire to help the Titans in their heroics. What they have seen in him is the desire to learn everything. Sagittarius is also known as the philosopher of the zodiac because of their desire for knowledge.

Capricorn: Barbara Gordon and Komand’r

A split image features Barbara Gordon and Blackfire in Titans on HBO Max

Ambitious and hardworking are the words most often associated with Capricorns. They rise through the ranks in their employment because they don’t just work harder than everyone around them, but they seriously commit. That’s all true of Barbara Gordon as she joins the series in season 3, but also signifying the Capricorn in her is her commitment to her family. Barbara works as police commissioner in the shadow of her father. She wants to keep his legacy alive, but also make a name for herself in the role. Barbara also has the shadow of the Bat-Family over her when Dick Grayson comes for help. That means she’s always going to help Dick, even when she knows his team needs to stay separate from her police.

Though Blackfire and Barbara might seem very different at first, they share the same ambitions, leadership attitudes, and connection to their family. Blackfire resents her family for what they put her through, but she still loves her home planet and wants to lead it. Her tendency to believe that she’s right has her butting heads with her sister and some of the other Titans quite a bit, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t willing to learn from them.

Aquarius: Rose Wilson

Rose is a plant. Slade Wilson wants her to infiltrate the Titans and help him get revenge for the death of his son. She almost does. The trouble is that Rose isn’t exactly the type to blindly follow orders. The Aquarius in her urges her to think for herself and find her own path.

Aquarius is the rebel of the zodiac. They don’t like to be boxed in. If they believe in something, they’re all in, and Rose is all in for her father’s plan at first. She sacrifices an eye and devotes herself to training until she gets to see who the Titans really are and understands them. Rose walks her own path then, despite the loyalty she feels to her family.

Pisces: Rachel Roth

Rachel outside of the farm house in Titans

The daydreamer of the zodiac, Pisces tend to be in their own head a lot. Though they can be in touch with their emotions, they also tend to try to escape them. That’s exactly what Rachel, or Raven, does when her emotions get to be too much for her.

Rachel’s own head, however, isn’t exactly the easiest place for her to escape since her own father can cause her to have nightmares. She lucks out in having the Titans to help her learn to control her powers and help her deal with her fears.

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