Why buy bottled water buy cheap water out of the tap?

tap Water and is much less expensive than bottled water. However, the consumption of the resource, and mineral water for all years. It’s healthier than tap wat

tap Water and is much less expensive than bottled water. However, the consumption of the resource, and mineral water for all years. It’s healthier than tap water? And how safe is our tap water, within a period of time in which a great deal of concern is lead free, micro, and medicine residues in the water. NU.nl the two experts in the field.

A few more facts and figures about water: “by 2018, we drank in the Netherlands, there are almost 500 million litres of bottled water around the world. Four years earlier, this was just over 380 million litres of water (source: fws). See, according to the netherlands Nutrition centre from 50 to 500 times less expensive, and 30 to 1,300 times that are better for the environment than bottled water.

According to Nicole Nijhuis, toxicologist at the research institute KWR, and he is a Farmer, a professor of environmental chemistry and toxicology at the Free University of amsterdam, the Dutch tap water is very safe and secure. “It is a very well-cleaned and is in contrast with other countries, chlorine is added” says jos Nijhuis. “Water companies have a comprehensive monitoring programme with which they are in the presence of non-natural substances contained in the water, very carefully keep an eye on.”

“the more people there are in the country, the more the drinkwaterzuiveringen it’s going to be.” Jacob de Boer, professor of environmental chemistry and toxicology to buy bottled water does not have to comply with the strict requirements of water as laid down in the Waterleidingwet. Tap water is at least as healthy as bottled water. The source and the bottled water sometimes, however, the more minerals and salts in tap water. With a varied diet you’ll get enough minerals, according to the netherlands Nutrition centre. Drinking bottled water is not necessary.

the taste is, of course, is not to be in the world. The Food Value is found in a couple of years ago, the waters of Bar-Le-Duc, together with a Spa, is one of the best-selling of packaged water in the Netherlands, and just from the same soil layer occurs when the water held in Utrecht, out of the tap. medicine residues and other toxic substances in The extremely low concentrations of chemicals measured in water, such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals, according to KWR is far below the specified limits. Jos Nijhuis: “It’s going to be in concentrations that do not pose a health risk of humans. The concentration of the opioid receptors, for example, is so low that you’re an olympic-size swimming pool is empty, it would have to drink to have a single tylenol will help.”

Jack put a note in the margin: “We just have to stay alert. So far, so good. And the more people there are in the country, the more the drinkwaterzuiveringen it’s going to be.”

The professor thinks it is, for example, strange that the number of businesses licenses and permits toxic substances to be discharged in the air or in the water. “The waterzuiveringsbedrijven to it and then back out of it. That takes an incredible amount of money, of taxpayers ‘ money.”

Not only do the factories have, according to him, this is their responsibility, as well as the government to ensure that such authorisations are to be withdrawn.

So, to lead,

Surface water features so that a part of the wastewater treatment plant is to come. “Water companies can do it pretty well out,” said The Farmer. “The question is whether the micro has to do with the human body. So, are all found in faeces, but whether or not they are included in the body of the question. There is currently research into this area.”

the Lead, according to two experts tell a different story, as it sometimes is in the water ends up in old houses with lead pipes. Jos Nijhuis: “It’s important, especially for people with a house built before 1960 with their drinking water pipes to check. After that, it was the application of lead pipes is banned.”

The national Health council recommends that in order to lead-in pipes to be replaced in order to health effects, particularly neurotoxicity to occur. “Also, the new faucets, or the pipes may be temporary, a small amount of lead to give. It is suggested that in such a case, the water to flush it before use, submit to Publish it out.

Date Of Update: 05 March 2020, 17:01

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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