With the Retirement Of each and every earned euro, I only have 80 cents is spent

most of us have to do it at around 65 and the kantoordeur finally hung it up and retired. In the pension category, we are looking for (well, almost) retirees for th

most of us have to do it at around 65 and the kantoordeur finally hung it up and retired. In the pension category, we are looking for (well, almost) retirees for life after their working years: are you looking forward to it or not? It can make ends meet, and where is all this new free time you want to go?

Who is Hans (64) very well, With pension: from January 1, 2020 with early retirement After 42 years in the industry, as a make-up artist, chef’s coat, and COMB through the coordinator basic salary when working: 3,100 euros gross Monthly pension before retirement with with an income of 4,800 euros, gross Monthly pension: 66 years, 4 months, together with annuity, 4,400 euros, gross

“It’s like I’m getting better and better! I’m creative, like with wood, and I’d like to ride a motorcycle. Besides, my wife and I have been on vacation and the art of photography. We’ve been to Iceland, the Maldives, Thailand, Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands, a million times in the United States to vacation and visit family, to Alaska, the Caribbean, … there are still a lot of great places to visit.”

Hans, during his travels to distant places. (Private collection).

“I learned from my grandfather how to be aware of how to handle money. My grandfather was a farmer, he had nine children, and the other was a farmer with six children. She had to make sure that they didn’t spend if they didn’t have it. I learned from them that you for every guilder you deserve, they give 80 cents off. They put the rest in the bank.”

“When the company was reorganized, I was left with a golden handshake,” Hans

“At the age of 23, I was married, I was shaping my financial future. I decided that I would have at least 10 percent more pension and I wanted to receive it, then I was earning. That’s with the help of two lijfrenteverzekeringen, and a little luck. When first passed fifty, and I worked as a cook, with 22 staff under me. Then came working time. All the officers gone, or any other job in the house for me to take. Then I have a golden handshake left. I have eleven years in relation to the interest rate that is fixed on stamrechtverzekering.”

“yes, yes, I was already 62 years old, I want to quit. Due to death and cancer in the area, I saw the need to work until I was 67, no more. But quitting was not an option because there is a big difference that would occur between my current income and my pension. Then I would receive 19 percent less pension! So I have two years to wait.”

“no, no, I’m always well-groomed. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink and I’m in good health. It’s also much safer and healthier to live in the metal industry because I started first. “Everyone has a place for beschermmiddel. Now we have a good werkschorten, goggles, goggles, ear protection and the injectors have fijnstofmaskere or fresh air masks. You have absolutely no harmful effect on the affected by the chemical.”

“My colleagues found it strange that I had a protective mask and was wearing it,” Hans

“Before, there was a different thought. At first, I just wore a suit and a face mask. I was in favor of it, but my colleagues thought it was a bit strange. “What do you really want to squirt a bit?” said one of them. But sometimes there was really a thick layer of fog up to the surface. Add all those ‘bits’ together and you can get pretty sick of it.”

“At the end of this month we’re going to Sydney for a week and a French Polynesian cruise for three weeks. Now that we both have a lot of free time, we can be really interesting in determining where we might not be picked up. We’ll make it easier now than when we were working and we don’t have to be confined to holidays in France or Spain.”

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Date of update: February 10, 2020, 08:00

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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