You could be an expert driver if you can spot the eight hazards in this busy neighbourhood in 90 seconds

IF you can spot the eight dangers hidden in this neighborhood in 90 seconds or less, you might be a real driver.

In this latest brain teaser, the risks are hidden within the image of a bustling city.

You could be an expert driver if you can spot all eight hazards in 90 seconds or less


You could be an expert driver if you can spot all eight hazards in 90 seconds or less Credit: CIA LANDLORDS

If you’re a natural at predicting road hazards, this puzzle should be an easy win.

Brain teasers are designed to test your cognitive abilities, and this latest one is no different.

At first glance, the neighborhood is packed with cars, people and buildings lined up in a confusing street pattern.

On top of that, the picture is full of bright and different colors, which catches the eye at first glance.

The trick will be to focus on the finer details and catch the problems that the driver might encounter on the road.

If viewers really concentrate, they should be able to spot the risks.

In the lower left corner, two people are crowded onto the back of a bicycle, and one balances precariously on the back.

A little higher and to the left are two large holes waiting to wreak havoc on someone’s tires.

The top right corner of the puzzle shows the front door wide open, leading out onto the road, and just behind it is a car turning onto the road.

One of the people in the picture is also skateboarding on the road instead of the sidewalk.

And on the back side of the picture you can see a dog running from its owner towards the street, the leash flying behind it.

Closer to the center of the puzzle is a child running across the street.

Perhaps the most difficult hazard to spot is in the lower right corner, where you can just see a soccer ball rolling down the road between two houses.

If you want to further test your eyesight, try to spot a hedgehog hiding in the trees in this amazing optical illusion.

Or you can try to find the sneaky mouse hiding in the kitchen in 13 seconds or less.

You can also see if you have 20/20 vision by spotting the owl hiding in this tree in another clever puzzle.

Some are better hidden than others, like a tricky football rolling down the street


Some are better hidden than others, like a tricky football rolling down the street Credit: CIA LAND LORDS

Categories: Optical Illusion

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