You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the caterpillar in under 5 seconds

MANY species in nature can skillfully camouflage themselves to hide from their prey.

But can you find the caterpillar that managed to blend in with its surroundings in this picture?

The Geometridae caterpillar blends in with the branch it sits on


A Geometridae caterpillar blends into the branch on which it sits Credit: Getty

The caterpillar is cleverly camouflaged on a twig — and the challenge of finding it is only made more difficult with a five-second time limit.

To the unsuspecting eye, the photo of the branches looks exactly like that.

However, look closely and you may be able to spot a caterpillar curled up on the far right branch, blending in with it.

Many animals can change their appearance to protect themselves from predators, and fragile caterpillars are no exception.

Different species, such as the common baron, the maple bladderwort and the larvae of the pepper moth, are true masters of camouflage.

The caterpillar in the photo is a maple worm, part of the family Geometridae which includes inchworms, caterpillars that appear to walk along.

Geometridae caterpillars move by raising their hind legs behind their front legs and then straightening up for the next step.

Although maple worms are a common occurrence among trees, they easily slip under the radar thanks to their strong camouflage ability.

When a maple worm senses that someone or something is nearby, it takes precautions in case it is a predator.

The worm grabs with its legs the branch or tree it is on and keeps its body straight.

In this position, the spanworm looks exactly like the stick it sits on.

If you manage to find a caterpillar, pat yourself on the back because it means you have sharp vision.

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! If you haven’t been able to find the caterpillar, there are many more optical illusions you can try.

See if you can find all four women hiding in this optical illusion.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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