You have the eyes of a hawk if you can pluck a lizard within 5 seconds

Professionally designed IQ tests are the best way to determine your true IQ level if you want to know them.

The image above tests your observation skills by asking you to spit out a lizard in the forest for 5 seconds.

You can share with your friends and family to see who has the best observation skills.

The challenge ahead of you is to find lizagd in the worst time of 5 seconds.

Individuals with good observation skills and attention to detail will be able to spit the lizard out in the allotted time.

Did you spot the lizard?

Pay attention to the picture and see if you can spot the lizard hiding in the woods. Time is running out, you should hurry.

Now you only have a few seconds with you.

The countdown has begun.



Are not..


That’s expired.

How many can you find the lizard in the limited time?

Wondering where the lizard is hiding?

Check out the solutions below.

Find the lizard in 5 seconds — Solution The lizard can be seen on the left side of the picture; it was a colorful lizagd hiding under a rock.

Categories: Trends

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