You must organize : France is ready to manage a second wave ?

If health personnel ensure that “lessons” have been learned during the crisis, particularly on the topic of masks, another concern is felt. On Monday, t

If health personnel ensure that “lessons” have been learned during the crisis, particularly on the topic of masks, another concern is felt.

On Monday, the French will have to get used to a new restriction related to the sars coronavirus pandemic: the wearing of masks will be mandatory in all establishments closed to the public and “private shops”. A measure designed to counter the slight “resurgence” of the epidemic observed in recent days in some areas of the territory, particularly in Brittany and Mayenne. Considering this fact, one question comes back like a broken record: is France really ready to deal with the second wave?

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While the contamination rate per patient in the country is again slightly above 1, the government wants to be reassuring: in his speech on July 14, the head of state said that “we will be ready” in case of a “resurgence” of the epidemic, including “safe supplies and supplies”. And in order to put all the odds on his side, Emmanuel Macron was clear: virological screening through PCR tests with nasal sampling will be possible without a prescription.

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But for health workers, so “some lessons” have been learned from the crisis – including mask stocks, other points “remain fragile”. “Are we ready? Yes and no,” says François Blanchecotte, president of the Union of Biologists. “In terms of materials, some supplies need to be closely monitored. And in terms of medical staff, it will take time to organize,” he says in The Express.


The issue of their absence has been at the center of the health crisis: protective masks, sorely lacking for personal caregivers at the start of the pandemic, remain the first concern of healthcare workers. Without them, “the infection is tracked, and we will have to find ourselves in a situation not only of a second wave, but also of a lack of equipment, which would be unacceptable,” warns Thierry Amouroux, president of the nurses’ union, SNPI. After weeks of shortages, it shows French nurses “again have the level of surgical masks they should be” but that shortages in FFP2 mask stocks are “being felt in some hospitals”.

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“At the moment we are supplied regularly and in sufficient quantities, but it is not important that the supplies disappear,” warns Jean-Paul Hamon, president of the Fédération des Médecins de France (FMF). But the expert still wants to be reassuring: “We understood that we have to store, I have the impression that the message has been forwarded”. As for the labs, “orders are respected,” reiterated François Blanchecotte, who says they have access to quantities of “10,000 to 15,000 masks” per request. “That is no longer a problem, and fortunately,” he comments.

“For several weeks now, we have had huge orders thanks to the establishment of the air and sea bridge – almost 4 billion masks – and we are receiving more every week,” says the General Directorate of Health (DGS) The Express. “We also invite institutions (health care or long-term care facilities) to participate in new orders,” it said. “The government can no longer afford mistakes on masks,” analyzes Marie-Hélène Ogliastro, president of the French Society of Virology (SFV). “Overall, she lied to people saying they didn’t do anything, which today has led to a certain lack of confidence in their usefulness. That message needs to be changed,” she advocates, recalling the “absolute necessity” of wearing this protective mask as soon as possible.

gloves, robes and drugs

But if the professionals are quite reassuring about the stocks of masks and other products, on the other hand they are “tense”, writes The Express. Glove protection, for example, is starting to be lacking. “When we order from our suppliers, they say they are out of stock,” said Francis Blanchecotte. His colleagues had no choice: now they have to supply from factories “they don’t know”, with the risk of finding lower quality.

Alert started by Thierry Amouroux. “At the hospital, we see that there is a shortage of gloves, but also a surplus, which are becoming less and less and tear much more easily,” he explains. “If we are already in tension because of this kind of material, just two months after the end of detention, will it be the same in the case of a new wave?”, fears the nurse. “Stocks of equipment (except masks) for informing caregivers (…) are currently under development and should be finalized during the second half of 2020,” replies the General Directorate of Health. “The safety stock of these facilities is calculated for 30 days of consumption in a crisis situation to enable support for 29,000 ICU patients and 36,000 hospital patients,” adds the CEO.

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Thierry Amouroux also claims that the problem is the same for some of the “anesthesia and analgesic drugs”, which are currently “in power” in some hospitals. The DGS predicts that the state “as of April 25, 2020, passed a regulation for 5 priority drugs for resuscitation.” “One of the first goals established at the beginning of May is to treat 14,000 patients with COVID-19 in intensive care” was achieved at the end of June, the body assures, then “a more ambitious goal was set in the month of June and will treat a total of 29,000 patients in the intensive care unit by the end of the summer .” “We will have more drugs in stock than we used in the first wave,” Health Minister Olivier Véran also assured in an interview with World on June 25.

There are also some doubts about the place in the ic, the fact of Thierry Amouroux. “It will be even worse than in the first wave,” he says, recalling that social plans have already been restarted in some hospitals. For example, the university hospital in Strasbourg has been closed, fourteen resuscitation beds,” says the nurse, highlighting the numerous clashes over ventilators during the crisis and condemning the “unworthy system”.


To avoid a second wave, health authorities rely mainly on the well-known PCR tests: Olivier Veran announced, on April 25 last year, a target of 500,000 to 700,000 tests per week. But according to public health data from France, only 195,284 people took such a test in the territory between July 6 and 12 last year. Too little for the government, which thus proposed to the French to be tested for free and without a prescription. “This is a real challenge,” explains François Blanchecotte. For a biologist, the tests themselves are quite numerous, but “we will have to face a lack of abstractors”, he warns.

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With the summer season, many of them are now inaccessible, although the rush of people has moved towards the coastal areas. When some ARS require, sometimes day by day, thousands of tests in one territory – since a national emergency has been declared in Mayenne, François Blanchecotte insists on the importance of “better organization”. “When we find out that we have to collect thousands and thousands of people in a few days, it’s not a good method. Our personnel are not always ready to mobilize to a certain location in five minutes,” slice-t-it.

For him, patients who had symptoms must be “absolutely prioritized” and that “under no circumstances should they wait several days to recover”, which could infect other members of their entourage. “It will be necessary to reopen the centers for Covid, to prepare for the organization of thousands and thousands of samples. It is necessary that all this be ready before the wave”, explains the biologist. To the extent that these waiting times, sometimes very long, “can be a deterrent,” observes Marie-Hélène Ogliastro. “It’s sometimes too high for people, volunteers, who want to get tested,” she says.

medical staff

beyond the issue of hardware, Thierry Amouroux takes care of his side of “endurance” of the medical staff, already faced with weeks of excessive activity. “The messages that were sent to caregivers during the crisis are not regulated at all,” condemned the general secretary of the SNPI, citing, on the other hand, “medals awarded to nursing”, “vacation vouchers” or “honours during the national day”, far from corresponding to the actual to the needs of the field. “We’re not in the begging, we’re in the result,” tackle it, citing the passage of “insufficient measures” taken at Health Insurance and the insistence on the “sense of betrayal” felt by caregivers.

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For Marie-Hélène Ogliastro, the government “has an interest in organizing” to prevent the burnout of these professionals, relying for example on other teams that can be mobilized. “In public laboratories, many people can help, contribute their stone to the building. Some virologists were frustrated that they were closed, even though we could conduct hundreds of tests during the crisis,” she says. In the case of the second wave, the president of the SFV gives an incentive to “reconsider the engagement”, especially by offering the help of virologists, biologists or veterinarians. “And if it is about permits or standards, it will be necessary to speed up the procedures,” she said.

Date of update: July 19, 2020, 11:58 am

Categories: Optical Illusion

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