You’re in the top 1% if you can spot the world’s most elusive sniper hiding on the mountain – there’s a clue to help

When you see the sniper, it’s already too late.

Somewhere in this mountainous terrain is a perfectly camouflaged sniper taking aim at you and ready to pull the trigger.

Can you spot the hidden sniper in this creepy photo?


Can you spot the hidden sniper in this creepy photo? Credit: Simon Menner

The photo above was taken by artist Simon Menner, who was given permission to see snipers in action with the armies of Germany, Latvia, and Lithuania.

It shows trees and bushes on a mountain and an almost invisible soldier taking position with a high-powered rifle.

If you look closely, you can see part of his telescopic sight, the only clue to his hiding place.

Blending in with your surroundings is as much a part of sniper training as learning to hit a target a mile away.

They must be able to survive alone or in pairs on unyielding terrain, digging holes for shelter.

And when the time comes to attack, they must be ready, without you realizing it.

Simon spent six years tracking snipers-in-training to capture their uncanny ability to blend in with their surroundings.

He watched them help each other make their own “ghillie suits” using natural elements like leaves and dead grass to match each landscape.

His series of paintings, called Disappearing Act, appear at first glance to be tranquil and sometimes eerie landscapes, from sunny meadows to mist-shrouded mountains.

In each image, a shooter lurks with a gun pointed directly at the camera.

In some images, including the one on this page, the sniper is only 30 feet away, but still very hard to spot.

In real life, the sniper would be at least a quarter mile from the target, who would have no chance of seeing it.

Do you need a clue? Look at the large bush in the center left of the image.

Looking from behind, you may see the flash of a metal sight.

The sniper is circled in the next image below.

Last week, a viral TikTok illusion video challenged viewers to spot a sniper hiding on the side of a rocky mountain.

Another shows a camouflaged marksman in a forest clearing who is invisible until he moves to reveal himself.

A sniper crouches behind a bush.


Sniper crouched behind a bush Credit: Simon Menner

Categories: Optical Illusion

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