You’ve got the eyes of a hawk if you can find the sugar cubes in this fiendishly difficult puzzle in ten seconds.

PUZZLE fans scratch their heads as they try to find the hidden sugar cubes in the image.

Viewers’ eyes followed the image closely as they tried to figure out the teaser in seconds.

Can you see the sugar cubes in this image?


Can you see the sugar cubes in this image? Credit: Rainbow Riches Casino

The artwork made up of cartoon teacups, cookies, milk cartons and teapots was created by Rainbow Riches Casino.

The design paid tribute to National Tea Day in the UK earlier this month.

Casino challenges players to find hidden sugar cubes within an image, which takes people an average of 46 seconds.

Some classic teatime items are easy to spot, while others overlap between spilled coffee and biscuits.

But sugar cubes can be found in the picture, you just need hawk eyes.

If you found a bug, then well done, and even better if you’re below the 46 second average.

However, if you’re having trouble, here’s some help.

Readers should look towards the lower left corner of the image.

You might notice some lemon wedges, a red cup and saucer, and a couple of chocolate chip cookies sitting on top of the green tea cup at the bottom of the page.

On top of the red glass and a slice of lemon, and below the cookie and another slice of lemon, you will see two small cubes of sugar.

If you loved that puzzle, why don’t you try to see if you can find the snake in the grass?

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources decided to test their social media followers as a warning amid warmer weather.

On its Facebook page, the department posted two photos of what appeared to be close-ups of bits of grass and leaves.

The post read: “I see something slippery with my little eye.

“Don’t forget to watch your step while enjoying the nice weather!”

The tiny eyes and head of the tiny common garter snake can be seen in both images.

You may have the eyes of a hawk if you can see a reptile.

And see if you can spot the two hidden birds in this wildlife scene.

If you had a hard time finding them, we've highlighted them here.


If you had a hard time finding them, we’ve highlighted them here Credit: Rainbow Riches Casino

Categories: Optical Illusion

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