Zelda: Breath of the Wild Player Uses Moon Jump Glitch To Mow Grass

player The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Players use the game’s moon-jumping glitch to mow Hyrule’s lawn, adding an element of landscape gameplay to Nintendo’s adventures. Breath of the Wild Players are free to be creative with the game, mowing the lawn is another surprise BOTW feature.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild The least linear game in the series, allowing players to explore Hyrule and beyond at their own pace. The massive open world also doesn’t limit the player when it comes to crossing boundaries, offering a wealth of weapons and tools, as well as glitch and exploit features, allowing for a long time of fun and creative play. after the main plot is completed. Many of the previously discovered glitches benefited the game’s speed-running community, helping to shorten time by trimming set animations or events. Game developers admit to keeping some of the funniest glitches BOTWallows the player to wreak havoc while playing the game.

Redditors and BOTW harryvatoh fans demonstrate how to use the game’s famous moon jump glitch to turn Link into a Superman lawn mower. User videos show Link walking through some grassy areas in Hyrule with ease, and Link’s first iterations can be helpful in finding rupees. As a surprise and mandatory feature, Link freezes midway through the animation while mowing the lawn, adding some laughs to the odd game sequence.

Watch the video on Reddit here.

this BOTW The moon jump glitch is one of the most common glitches in the game and can be done in a variety of ways. Combine the glitch of Paragliding and Jumping to the Moon with Revali’s Gale for fast ground travel. One of the easiest ways to perform the moon jump to mow the lawn is to jump into the air and do an upside down while attacking with a one-handed weapon. This forces Link to slip, and failing to stop attacking before landing will cause Link to slide across the ground, cutting through the grass. There are different ways to achieve the same effect as jumping to the moon, so you should research to find the easiest method based on the player’s playstyle.

While mowing your lawn may seem like a whole new discovery, fans have been playing the game since it first launched in 2017. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has been on store shelves long enough that most of its fan base has worked on at least one main storyline, allowing players the freedom to examine the game’s glitches and exploits to both solve interested in science at the same time. The game may be old, but players are still developing them Breath of the Wild Even today there are discoveries, whether brand new to the community or just BOTW Fans didn’t see it.

Source: harryvatoh/reddit

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